Friday, September 25, 2009

My New Name

So last night, we were discussing clans and names and such at our home, and our family adopted us into the clan of the father, which is the clan children of the family belong to.

My name is Mubiru (Mu-bee-ru) and I belong to the Mmamba Clan.

*edit: there are 2 "m's" in mmamba. and in response to the questions about the meaning: best Drew and I can tell, individually they don't have any significant meaning other than identify which clan you belong too. Apparently, pretty much everyone here have all of the lists of names for each clan memorized, so if I was to walk up to a Muganda (anyone remember what that means?) and tell he or she my name, I would be instantly known as from the Mmamba Clan. Pretty sweet. The clan is passed down through the father, and you aren't allowed to marry inside your clan. Oh yeah, the Mmamba (in case anyone is interested) is a lungfish, so that's our totem or "symbol."*


  1. Nnyoko abeeranga omugwiira, naakuzaala ku kika !

    "Foreign may your mother’s origins be, so long as she delivers you into a clan !" - Ganda proverb

    Apparently your momma did good!

  2. That's really cool :D How did they come up with the name Mubiru? What does it mean?

  3. read edit for story on meaning, but the choosing of the name was pretty random i guess. Though it didn't take them long to idk, heh.

  4. Always enjoy reading your posts! Like the name, you kinda look like a Mubiru.
