Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photos of the Family!

Hey guys, I just wanted to post some photos of the family, so you guys can see who I am living with! Unfortunately I just realized that I didn't have a very good photo of momma Harriet, so i'll have to post another of her later...

Drew and Momma Harriet at the Family Farm

Our cousin Lillian, she is 15 and in Secondary 1, though due to her father being sick and not being able to pay the full amount of school fees, she hasn't started yet and may not go at all this term.

This is Mark holding some Cocoa Beans! I'm not entirely sure how Mark is related but he is 6 and loves to play, especially with Drew.

Drew and our brother David, age 20 (i think), at the family farm. Apparently David has kind of been adopted into the family. He is going to a vocational school to learn to be a mechanic. He's pretty awesome and has been showing us around Mukono as well as teaching us how to do things like make Chapati (kind of like a tortilla)!

We have 2 other brothers, Joshua and Jonathan, but they left for boarding school after our 1st week here, so I unfortunately don't have pictures of them, but hopefully will get some before I leave. They are supposed to come back in late November.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Josh!!!

    Thanks so much for posting these. How cool to see what you see real time!! I love you and miss you. Praying lots!!! -Aunt D
